Lecture 4 - Sound and Audio
Reference: Steinmetz, R., and Nahrstedt, K. (1995). Multimedia:
Computing, Communications & Applications. Prentice Hall. Chapter 3.
Steinmetz, R. and Nahrstedt, K. (2002).
Multimedia Fundamentals: Volume 1. Prentice Hall. Chapter 3.
Applications of Sound and Audio
Sound (and its derivatives; speech, music, etc., generally referred to, if
audible to humans, as
audio) has a significant part to play in multimedia applications.
From interacting through a multi-modal user interface (e.g., Surfing the Web by voice) and
text-to-speech systems (Apple
Speech Technologies), to
software agents capable of expressing themselves in natural language (e.g., VirtualFriend); Internet-based radio and TV (e.g,
RealAudio, and
Internet Radio and TV sites);
video-conferencing (e.g., Cu-SeeMe) and Internet telephony
(e.g., VocalTec Communications); generating computer
music, sounds for games, and computer-controlled musical instruments
(e.g., MIDI); to personalised
elevator music and refrigerators that hum along to your mood, audio is
This lecture presents general properties of
sound, and how to convert it into a bit stream that can be manipulated by
a computer (digitization). Finally we give an overview of
speech recognition and synthesis
Sound is created by the vibration of matter and manifests itself when the
pressure waves in the air created by the vibration reach an acoustic
device (such as an ear, tape recorder, microphone, loud speaker, etc.)
capable of converting the pressure waves. [Philosophical issues... the
world is completely silent, sounds are only "inside our heads". If a tree
falls in a forest, and there is nothing to hear it, does it make a sound?
In space (a vacuum), nobody hears you scream.]
These vibrations displace the air, and the
alterations in pressure propogate through the air in a wave-like motion (a
waveform (see Figure below).
The shape of the waveform that repreats at regular intervals is called a
period, and sounds musical (e.g., a bird singing). A waveform that is not periodic sounds
like noise (e.g., me singing!).
The frequency of a sound is the number of periods in a second and is
measured in hertz (Hz). 1000 Hz = 1 kiloHertz (kHz).
Audible (to humans) frequency occurs in the 20Hz to 20kHz range. Other
frequency ranges are:
Infra-sound | 0 - 20Hz |
Ultrasound | 20kHz - 1GHz |
Hypersound | 1GHz - 10THz |
The amplitude of a sound is a property subjectively heard as
Natural sound occurs as continuous, and hence, analog, pressure waves. In
order to covert these pressure waves into a representation a computer can
manipulate, it is necessary to digitize them.
An Analog-to-Digital Convervter (ADC) measures the amplitude of pressure waves at regular
time intervals (called samples) to generate a digital
representation of the sound. The reverse conversion, to play digital sound
through an analog device (such as speakers) is performed by a
Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC).
The number of samples taken per second is called the sampling rate. CD
quality sound is sampled at 44,100 Hz, which means that it is sampled
44,100 times per second. This appears to be well above the frequency range
of the human ear. However, the Nyquist sampling theorem states that "For
lossless digitization, the sampling rate should be at least twice the
maximum frequency responses." The human ear can hear sound in the range
20Hz to 20KHz, and the bandwidth (19980Hz) is slightly less than half the CD
standard sampling rate. Following the Nyquist theorem, this means that CD
quality sound can represent frequencies only up to 22,050Hz, which is much
closer to that of human hearing.
Just as the waveform is sampled at discrete times, the value of the
sample taken is also represented as a discrete value. The resolution or
quantization of a sample value is dependent on the number of bits
used to represent the amplitude. The greater the number of bits used, the
better the resolution, but the more storage space is required. Typically,
amplitude is sampled as either 8-bit (resulting in 256 possible sample
values) or 16-bit (yielding 65536 values).
Comparison of Audio Quality vs. Data Rate (from
Basics of Digital Audio)
Quality Sample Rate Bits per Mono/ Data Rate Frequency
(KHz) Sample Stereo (Uncompressed) Band
--------- ----------- -------- -------- ----------------- ------------
Telephone 8 8 Mono 8 KBytes/sec 200-3,400 Hz
AM Radio 11.025 8 Mono 11.0 KBytes/sec
FM Radio 22.050 16 Stereo 88.2 KBytes/sec
CD 44.1 16 Stereo 176.4 KBytes/sec 20-20,000 Hz
DAT 48 16 Stereo 192.0 KBytes/sec 20-20,000 Hz
See An introduction to MIDI
A Tutorial on
MIDI and Music Synthesis
for good introductions to MIDI. You should know how MIDI works at an
introductory level, although we will not cover it in the lectures.
Speech synthesis (generation) and analysis are important aspects
of multimedia systems. As multi-modal user interfaces become more common,
it will become increasingly important for humans to communicate with
computers using spoken language approaching natural language, and for
computer systems to communicate with humans using artificially generated
speech. The human acceptance of computer-generated speech is dependent on
the speech sounding natural and easy to understand. However, speech
synthesis and analysis have a multitude of other applications. Voice
recognition systems are an important class of security systems; speech
synthesis can give those who are vocally impaired a means for spoken
communication. Speech synthesis and analysis are also an important aspect
for computer systems which can be used by illiterate and visually impaired users.
Speech Synthesis in a Nutshell
Real-time speech generation
The easiest way of generating speech in real-time is by using pre-recorded
speech (e.g., MaltaCom's fault-reporting service,
Barbie and Barney).
However, the limitation is that if a word is not pre-recorded, then it
cannot be used. A more flexible, though more time-consuming, solution is to
generate speech by recording individual speech units (of which there are a
finite set) and then generate speech by concatenating the sounds.
However, consider how you would pronounce the following "Betty is by the
sea", normally, quizzically, and agitatedly. Also consider how "an arm and
a leg" would sound with a British accent and with a New York accent.
Stress (together with melody called prosody) also plays a large part
in sound generation.
However, getting the prosody right is still a challenge,
and consequently computer-generated speech can sound quite
unnatural. Apart from this high-level problem, there are also problems
with words which follow each other. Consider the word the. The
sound changes depending on whether the following word starts with a vowel
or a consonent. These problems can be overcome using
coarticulation rules over phone order. Other problems which influence
pronounciation include ambiguity. Consider the word lead in
the following sentences: "The general lead his army to famous victory",
and "In parks, dogs should always be kept on a lead". Although some
pronounciations can be disambiguated using syntactic analysis - at face
value, in the first sentence lead is a verb in the 3rd person
singular past tense and in the second it is a noun, on other occasions,
semantic analysis is necessary. Despite these problems, it is possible to
generate speech to an acceptible level of quality.
The figure below (from Steinmetz and
Nahrstedt, 1995, pg. 46/Steinmetz
and Nahrstedt, 2002, pg. 36) shows the components of a speech synthesis system.
Speech Analysis

The figure above (from Steinmetz and
Nahrstedt, pg. 47/Steinmetz
and Nahrstedt, 2002, pg. 37) identifies the research areas concened with speech
The primary goal of speech analysis is to correctly determine individual
words with a probability <= 1. Reasons why systems are less accurate
than this are due to ambient noise (humans are remarkably good at
speech recognition even in noisy environments), word sense ambiguity
("there" and "their", for example), dialect and stress.
Once individual words in a sentence have been recognised, the probability
of recognising the sentence correctly is the probability of recognising the
individual words multiplied by the number of words in the sentence. For
example, if the probability of recognising individual words is 0.95, then
the probability of correctly recognising a 3 word sentence is 0.875.
Factors which reduce the probability of sentences being correctly
recognised include correctly determining word boundaries (compare "An arm
and a leg" spoken with a British and New York accent - although, obviously,
the misinterpretation is by British listeners to a New York accent!),
semantics, and time normalization. The same sentence can be spoken quickly
or slowly - as can individual words in an utterance.
Speech recognition systems are divided into speaker-independent
recognition systems and speaker-dependent recognition systems.
The main differences are that although speaker-independent systems can be
used by many different speakers without training, only a limited number of
words are recognised (e.g., some of British Telecom's telephone services which can
recognise only the words "Yes" and "No" - but compare this to MaltaCom's
services which require a "9" or "0" tone to be sent in response to
questions), whereas with a speaker-dependent system, after training, it can
recognise an extensive vocabularly in excess of 25,000 words.
Related Links
Basics of Digital Audio
Multimedia:Sound Page
Back to the index for this course.
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Date last amended: Tuesday, 24 October, 2002