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JavaScript and AJAX

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Javascript Equivalent of PHP's explode() and implode()

 8:33 am on Feb. 25, 2005 (utc 0)

Basically I need to know the javascript's equivalent of php's explode and implode functions.

Here is what the explode and implode functions do:

Let's say I have a string:

$some_string = '13:42:43:56';

I want to break down each number into an array called $num_array. in PHP I could just do this:

$num_array = explode(':',$some_string);

The PHP implode function would produce the following:

$num_array[0] = 13
$num_array[1] = 42
$num_array[2] = 43
$num_array[3] = 56

Then let's say I wanted to piece it back into the original string. I could just do this in php:

$some_string = implode(':',$num_array);

Any idea how to accomplish this in javascript? Thanks a lot for your help and time. I really appreciate it.


 8:42 am on Feb. 25, 2005 (utc 0)

I found this for exploding arrays:

function explodeArray(item,delimiter) {
tempArray=new Array(1);
var Count=0;
var tempString=new String(item);

while (tempString.indexOf(delimiter)>0) {

return tempArray;

or you could do this

var myString = new String('red,green,blue');
var myArray = myString.split(',');

I still can't seem to figure out how to implode though.


 9:32 am on Feb. 25, 2005 (utc 0)

join for implode ...

would join elements aof array into string with ; separator

Bernard Marx

 12:12 pm on Feb. 25, 2005 (utc 0)

var myString = new String('red,green,blue');
var myArray = myString.split(',');

There's no need to explicitly create a String object. This is done automatically.

var myArray = 'red,green,blue'.split(',');


 1:18 pm on Feb. 25, 2005 (utc 0)

I sometimes use this technique when I retrieve a string with separators form an input and want to convert it into an array ...


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