
Lecture 7 - Compression Techniques

Steinmetz, R., and Nahrstedt, K. (1995). Multimedia: Computing, Communications & Applications. Prentice Hall. Chapter 6.
Steinmetz, R. and Nahrstedt, K. (2002).Multimedia Fundamentals: Vol. 1. Prentice Hall. Chapter 7.

The Motivation for Compression

Multimedia data in general requires enormous amounts of storage and bandwidth capacity. Continuous data, especially in the form of real-time communications (e.g., audio/video-conferencing) would be impossible, given the current nature of the Internet, and the real-time transmission of video data would put enormous strain even on high-speed fiber optic networks.
To make feasible and cost-effective use of real-time communications over a data network, or to store high volume data on digital media, data is usually compressed to a fraction of the space/bandwidth requirements of its uncompressed form.

Compression Techniques

There are a large number of proprietary and public-domain compression techniques. We will look at some of the underlying features common to many compressions techniques. We will then discuss JPEG (for still images), H.261 (and H.263) (for video-conferencing), and MPEG (for video and audio).

Compression Requirements

Uncompressed multimedia data has extremely high data storage and bandwidth requirements. Secondary storage requirements will be in the range of gigabytes at least, buffer storage will be in the range of megabytes. Bandwidth would need to support data transfer rates of up to 140Mbits per second for a single user. Compression techniques aim to reduce the storage requirements to megabytes, and buffer storage and bandwidth to kilobytes.
Compression in multimedia systems is subject to certain constraints: The quality of the decompressed data should be as good as possible. Ideally, compression and decompression should be hardware-independent (not only for portability, but also to reduce cost). Finally, the processing of the algorithm should not exceed certain time spans (e.g., de/compression of video-conferencing data should be real-time, but sometimes it is acceptable to spend large amounts of time compressing the source, as long as decompression is fast, e.g., for retrieval of images).
This basic difference between the way information is consumed (by humans) leads to a distinction between dialog mode applications and retrieval mode applications.
In dialog mode application, where humans are interacting with each other via multimedia information, the constraints on the codec (compressor/decompressor, or coder/decoder) are imposed by human perception characteristics. In order to maintain the impression of face-to-face dialog the end-to-end delay should not exceed 150 milliseconds, where a maximum of 50 milliseconds is the delay introduced by the compression and decompression of the data, and 100 milliseconds is the maximum delay allowed by the transmission of the data over a network, the communication protocol processing at the end system, and the data transfer between the respective i/o devices.
In retrieval mode application, we must be able to perform fast forward and backward retrieval, and simultaneous display of multimedia data. This implies a fast search and retrieval of data from multimedia databases. It should be possible to perform rapid and random access to single video and audio frames in less than 0.5 seconds, which supports the perception of interactivity. Decompression of images, video and audio should not be dependent on other data units, to allow random access and editing.
Requirements which apply to both dialog and retrieval mode are that the compression techniques should be parameterized, to support user-dependent network and processing constraints (e.g., network connection speed and processor speed), and the compression technique should not prevent the decompressed data from being resized (in the case of images and video). It must also be possible to synchronize video with audio, and with other media.

Basic Compression Techniques

Basic compression techniques fall into three broad categories: source, entropy, and hybrid. Source compression is lossy, which means that data is lost through the compression process. However, entropy compression is lossless, which means that no data is lost during compression. Most multimedia systems use hybrid techniques, which are a combination of the two.
Entropy compression is media-independent - it does not take the media's characteristics into account, but simply treats the data at a bit or byte stream. Huffman coding is an example of an entropy compression technique. On the other hand, source compression is dependent on the characteristics of the specific media being compressed. Examples are Fast Fourier Transform and Discrete Cosine Transform. Prior to compression, the data may be converted from its original domain, (e.g., time), if it does not support high compression factors, to a domain which does (e.g., frequency). During this transformation, data is lost and is not recoverable, making the relation between the uncompressed and compressed data streams one-way and lossy.

A Set of Typical Processing Steps

Preparation includes Analog-to-Digital conversion and generating an approximate representation of the information. In the case of an image, it is divided into blocks of 8x8 pixels, each pixels represented by a fixed number of bits.
Processing is the first step of the compression process. If the domain within which the data is to be compressed needs to be changed, it can be done at this time. In the case of motion video, a transformation from the time to the frequency domain may be performed to construct a motion vector for each 8x8 block in consecutive frames.
Quantization specifies the granularity of the mapping of real numbers into integers. There is consequently a reduction of space requirements, at the expense of precision.
Entropy compression is usually the last step. The digital stream resulting from quantization will be compressed without loss. For example, Run-length compression replaces a sequence of identical numbers with the number followed by a special symbol which doesn't occur in the stream followed by the number of occurrences. E.g., 10000001 would be compressed to 10!61.
The processing and quantization steps may be performed iteratively several times in feedback loops. After compression, a data stream is built which specifies, amongst other things, the compression technique used and any error correction codes.
Decompression is the inverse of compression. Decompression techniques can differ from the compression techniques in various ways. For example, if the applications are symmetric, e.g., dialog applications, then the coding and decoding should incur more or less the same costs, as the importance here is the speed factor, rather than quality. However, if data will be encoded once, but decoded many times, as is the case with an image or video retrieval system, then whereas the decoding speed must approximate real-time, the encoding time may be asymmetric to the decoding time. Usually, better quality/compression ratios are obtained if encoding time is not a factor.

Other Simple Compression Techniques

Vector Quantization

A data stream is divided into blocks of n bytes, where n > 1, A predefined table contains a set of patterns. For each block, the most similar pattern in the table is identified, and the data stream is gradually replaced with a sequence of pointers to the appropriate pattern index. The decoder, which requires the same table of patterns, generates an approximation to the original data stream. Pattern substitution is also used in text compression. The major difference here is that the decoded data stream must be identical to the original - an approximation may be unintelligible!

Diatomic encoding

This is a variation of run-length coding based on a combination of two data bytes. For a given media type the most common co-occurring pairs of data bytes are identified. These are then replaced in the data stream by single bytes that do not occur anywhere else in the stream.

Huffman coding

Different characters do not have to be coded with the same number of bits (e.g., Morse code). Huffman coding analyses the data stream to be compressed, determines the frequency of occurring characters, and assigns shorter codes to frequently occurring characters, and longer codes to those which occur infrequently. For example, given the observed alphabet ABCDE, each character is determined to be a leaf node in a binary tree. Every node in the binary tree will contain the occurrence probability of one of the characters belonging to this subtree. In figure 2 below, the characters A, B, C, D, and E have the following probability of occurrence (based on observation of the data stream):

p(A) = 0.16, p(B) = 0.51, p(C) = 0.09, p(D) = 0.13, p(E) = 0.11 (NB: the probabilities are normalized.)
Characters with the lowest probabilities are combined in the first binary tree (Step 1 in the figure). The next two nodes with the lowest probabilities are combined into the next binary subtree (step 2). This process continues until all the remaining nodes have been combined into subtrees. The allocation of binary 1 and 0 to the paths is arbitrary. The Huffman table used for encoding a bit stream must be available to the decoder. Huffman coding is optimal, and guarantees a minimal encoded data stream. Images are usually represented at the pixel level, and each pixel may be represented by 8, 16, or 24 bits, depending on the colour-depth. However, patterns may emerge within the byte representation of pixels. In order to take advantage of Huffman coding, the pixel representation must first be transformed into a bit-stream. It is then possible to obtain a minimal stream length by applying the Hoffman algorithm. The resulting Huffman table must be available to the decoder to reproduce an image identical to the original. If the source is a video (a sequence of images), then each frame may be encoded individually, or else they may be grouped, or the entire video stream is encoded using the same Huffman table.

Transformation encoding

Algorithms such as Discrete Cosine Transformation and Fast Fourier Transformation transform the data representation from one mathematical domain (e.g., time) to another which is more suitable for compression (e.g., frequency). The inverse transformation must exist and be known to the decoding process.

Differential encoding

Differential encoding is an important feature of techniques used in multimedia systems. In this technique, features of the source data (e.g., an image) are used to calculate the difference between, say, adjacent pixels. For example, neighbouring pixels which together form the background of an image are likely to have identical intensity values. Instead of encoding each pixel value as using 3 bytes, differential encoding would store the value of 1 of the pixels and then difference of the other pixels could be stuffed into individual bits (if their differential value is 0). Run-length encoding can then be performed to further reduce the length of the data stream. In video, this technique could be used to store a frame (known as a key-frame) in its entirety, with subsequent frames being encoded using only the differences from the key-frame. The same techniques can be applied to motion vectors - as an object "moves" across the screen, there will be groups of pixels which differ from frame to frame only by their location in subsequent frames. With audio, subsequent samples are stored only as differences from the previous sample, as it is likely (especially with voice transmissions) that only minor differences will occur in a sequence (Differential Pulse Code Modulation). Audio can be further compressed using silence suppression - data is only encoded if the volume level exceeds a certain threshold.

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Date last amended: 2nd September 2002