Lecture 10 - Multimedia Operating Systems
Steinmetz, R., and Nahrstedt, K. (1995). Multimedia:
Computing, Communications & Applications. Prentice Hall. Chapter 9.
Multimedia applications typically operate in a distributed environment in
which there is a mixture of discrete and continuous data, some sourced
locally and some remotely. Traditional Operating Systems and distributed
environments have been developed with largely the processing of discrete
media in mind. Real-time systems have been used in the domains of manufacturing,
automobile control and avionics (e.g., fly-by-wire), and time-critical
life-threatening environments, such as power plant control systems.
The advent of continuous multimedia data types to the domain of distributed
end-user systems means that popular operating systems (e.g., UNIX,
Microsoft Windows, OS/2 and MacOS) need to deliver real-time capabilities
to desktop computers.
Why do multimedia applications require real-time processing? "Real-time"
systems are really systems which are capable of guaranteeing that data can
and will be processed within certain time restrictions. Traditionally, the
only restrictions placed on the processing of data or execution of
processes was that these happen "as quickly as possible". Unfortunately,
this is too vague for continuous media types, because delays in processing
data, even in the order of milliseconds, can result in human users noticing
jitter in the playback of audio-visual material. In face-to-face dialogs,
unacceptably long delays in the transmission and processing of data can
result in a violation of the perception of real-time communications.
Systems capable of giving these guarantees are said to offer Quality of Service (QoS)
In order to guarantee that a data stream will be processed within QoS
parameters, resource and process management functions need to be adjusted.
In a distributed environment, the network is an important resource which
can also be a major source of delay, as it is not under complete control
of the computer or computers engaged in the multimedia session. Similarly,
in a distributed environment, resources required by the owner computer,
might in fact be loaned out to remote computers.
Other operating system functions, such as the file system and
peripherals, also need to address the issues and requirements of real-time
processing, but are beyond the scope of this lecture series.
Characteristics of real-time requirements
Events can occur at either a priori known points in time, or else
they can be random. An example of a random event is an incoming network event, and
an expected event is a scheduled event. In either case, the real-time
system must receive data from or deliver data to the environment within
certain time constraints.
If the only events that occur are predetermined ones, then the real-time
system has the relatively simple task of scheduling the events so that they
can complete within the given time constraints. The real-time
system must know in advance what the time constraints are, and also what
resources the processes will require. As usual, there may not be enough resources to
satisfy all the process requests, in which case the scheduler must schedule
processes so that all processes can obtain all the resources they require and
complete according to their deadlines without compromising the integrity of
other processes. However, a real real-time operating system also has to
contend with unscheduled, or random, events which are also time-critical,
and which will compete for limited resources.
For these purposes, a real-time system distinguishes between soft
and hard deadlines. A soft deadline is a deadline which, although
time-critical, will not produce an unacceptable result if it is not met,
or if it is met a bit late. If a single frame in a video-conferencing
session is dropped, it is not a complete disaster. It may also be
acceptable if the frame is slightly delayed. However, if too many
successive frames are dropped, or if the delay is too great, then it should
not be tolerated. Hard deadlines are deadlines which if missed result in
system failure.
Real-time systems are characterized by having predictably fast responses
to time-critical events and accurate (shared, in a distributed
environment) timing information. They must also have a high degree of
schedulability, which refers to the degree to which resources can be
concurrently utilized without jeopardizing reliability. Even if too many
real-time events require simultaneous processing, the system must remain
stable. Usually, the system becomes overloaded in times of emergency - it
could be disastrous if a real-time system failed to process critical tasks.
Resource Management
The transmission and processing requirements of local and distributed
multimedia applications can be specified according to the following
characteristics, which are known as the QoS parameters:
- Throughput: determined by the data rate of the connection to satisfy
the application requirements and the size of the data units
- Local and end-to-end delay
- Local delay: the maximum time span for the completion of a certain task
being performed by the resource
- End-to-end delay: the total delay for a data unit to be transmitted
from the source to its destination
- Delay jitter: the maximum allowed variance in the arrival of data at
the destination
- Reliability: error detection and correction mechanisms. Errors can be
ignored, indicated, and/or corrected. Forward error correction mechanisms
are more appropriate for time-critical data, because re-transmitting the
correct data implies a delay which will probably violate the timing
Although individual applications may have their own requirements specified
as constants, usually there are boundaries within which the application
will still receive an acceptable service. For this reason, the allocation
of resources is negotiated between the client application and the resource
The client will request a resource by specifying a QoS specification. The
resource manager will check its own resource utilization and will decide
whether the reservation request can be served. If a request cannot be
granted immediately, it is queued. Although this might seem odd, in a
real-time environment, one must bear in mind that it is more important
that playback of a continuous data stream is smooth, than to immediately
start playing back the stream. It may be more acceptable for the user to
wait a while until uninterrupted playback can start, than it would be for
playback to commence immediately but suffer jitter delays.
When a request for a resource is received, the resource manager will
perform a Schedulability Test to determine if there is sufficient
resource capacity to handler the request. The resource manager will then
perform a QoS Calculation to determine the best possible guarantee
for the request and allocates the required capacity (Resource
Reservation). Finally, through Resource Scheduling, incoming
messages from connections are scheduled according to the given QoS
guarantees. Different scheduling algorithms for different resources can be
defined. The schedulability test, QoS calculation and resource reservation
depend on the algorithm used by the scheduler.
Continuous Media Resource Model
In order to manage resources whilst guaranteeing a quality of service in a
distributed environment, the chain of resources traversed by data on its
end-to-end path are often modeled using the Continuous Media Resource Model.
This in turn is based on the model of Linear Bounded Arrival Processes
In this model, the data stream consists of Logical Data Units. An LDU is
an individual data unit in a sequence of units which are
time-dependent. In the context of LBAP, LDUs are known as messages. When
retrieving continuous data, the original analog signal was sampled, and as
such the data stream is highly periodic - the samples must be played at
regular intervals. The compressed data forming each sample may be highly
irregular, as the compressed data representing each sample may require
different amounts of bandwidth (if they are variable length coded).
However, there is a definite maximum message size.
In the LBAP model, a burst of messages consists of messages that arrive
ahead of schedule. LBAP is a message arrival process at a resource defined
by three parameters:
- M = Maximum message size, in bytes
- R = Maximum message rate, per second
- B = Maximum burstiness, in messages
Two workstations are connected by a LAN. A CD player is attached to one
workstation. Single channel audio data are transferred from the CD player
over the network to the other computer, which has speakers attached. The
audio signal is sampled 44,100 times per second, and each sample is coded
in 16 bits. Hence, the data rate is
Rbyte = 44100Hz x (16bits/8bits/byte) = 88200bytes/second
The CD prepares data for transmission as messages by assembling samples into frames.
The CD-format standard decrees that 75 frames are assembled per second of
audio (R). Therefore, the maximum message size is
M = (88200bytes/second / 75messages/second) = 1176bytes/message
For transmission over the LAN, up to 12000bytes are assembled into a
packet. The maximum number of messages per packet is
B = (12000bytes/1176bytes/messages) >= 10 messages
This represents a burst, where data is being carried over the
network in bulk. We assume that there is only one route between the client and
server, so it is not possible for packets to arrive out of sequence. The
LAN may also be capable of carrying 10Mbits of data per second (roughly
equivalent to 1.2Mbytes/s, or less than 1000 audio frames per second).
However, a single second of audio can be carried by only 75 frames. We need
to limit the number of frames that are transmitted so that we don't
overload the client and the network. We can state that during a time
interval t, the maximum number of messages received by the client
must not exceed
M' = B + (R x t) messages
For example, assuming that t is 1 second:
M' = 10 messages + (75 messages x 1 second) = 85 messages
This allows for short time violations of the rate constraint.
The maximum average data rate of the LBAP is
R' = M x R bytes per second
R' = 1176bytes/message x 75 messages/s = 88200 bytes per second
As a limited number of messages can arrive earlier than required, we need
to define a buffer size to temporarily store them on the client. If the
buffer size is too small, that data will be lost, but if the buffer size
is too big, then memory will be under utilized. The buffer size is defined
to be
S = M x (B + 1) bytes
For example:
S = 1176 bytes/message x (10 + 1) messages = 12936 bytes
These calculations let us estimate the logical backlog (the messages which
have already arrived ahead of schedule), the logical arrival time of
messages (the earliest time a message can arrive ahead of schedule, when
all messages arrive at their rate), the guaranteed logical delay (the
maximum delay between a message's earliest arrival time and its latest
completion time), and the number of work ahead messages (the number of
messages that arrive ahead of schedule, and which can be immediately
processed if the resource is idle).
A message is deemed to be critical if its logical arrival time has passed.
Process Management: Process Scheduling
Continuous media data processing must occur in exactly predetermined, and
usually periodic, intervals. Operations on these data are repetitive and
must be completed by certain deadlines. The scheduler is responsible for
loaning out the CPU to processes that require it while maintaining
guarantees that other processes which are waiting for the CPU will complete
by their deadline.
Two conflicting goals must be considered:
- No starvation of non-critical tasks (e.g., text, graphics processing)
- No priority inversion of time-critical tasks
Real-time Scheduling: System Model
A task is a schedulable entity which has timing constraints and resource
requirements. In many multimedia environments, there is no independence
between tasks.
A periodic task T has the following parameters:
- s: a starting point
- e: the processing time of T
- d: the deadline of T
- p: the period of T
- r: the rate of T (r = 1/p)
Consider the following example. A 5 second long sound bite of CD-quality
audio has a definite start time s. The sound bite has a period of
5 x 44,100 samples, where each sample must be processed at a rate r
of 1/44,100th of a second, and e is the amount of time required to
process each sample. Once the audio playback starts, the samples must be
processes at these regular intervals. The deadline d indicates by
when a sample must be delivered to the speakers. 0 <= e <=
d <= p. It is assumed that the next sample is ready for
processing (i.e., is runnable) within the deadline for the processing of the
previous sample. This is known as congestion avoidance deadlines.
A scheduling algorithm is said to guarantee a newly arrived task if it can
schedule the new task whilst ensuring that previously guaranteed tasks can
be completed by their respective deadlines. This is only possible if the
parameters described above are available to the scheduler.
Earliest Deadline First Scheduling Algorithm
EDF is one of the best known algorithms for real-time scheduling. Every
time the scheduler runs, it selects the task with the earliest deadline,
from amongst those that are runnable. Processes request the CPU using
the LBAP model described above. If the CPU is reserved by a process, the
EDF must run to determine the new order of processes in its ready queue.
If a new process has an earlier deadline than the current process, the
current process is preempted, and the suspended process is rescheduled
according to EDF.
EDF is an optimal dynamic algorithm. If there is a sequence in which all
tasks can complete within their deadlines, then the algorithm will find it,
even in a dynamic environment.
EDF can be considered to be a priorty-based pre-emptive scheduler, where
processes are assigned priorities according to their deadlines. One
specific difference from traditional priorty-based pre-emptive schedulers
is that in the latter case, there are usually a limited number of
assignable priorities, and all processes with the same priority will be
processed in a strict FIFO order. In a real-time environment, the
granularity of priorities is likely to be finer, resulting in a large
number of tasks being reordered. In the worst case, all processes will
need to be reordered, as they become critical.
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Date last amended: Wednesday, 10 March, 1999