
Lecture 1 - Video screening of HyperLand

HyperLand (1990, BBC) is a 50 minute documentary of a vision of the future of electronic information. Written by Douglas Adams (Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) and starring Adams himself and Tom Baker (of Doctor Who fame), it takes us through a world of interactive television, multimedia and hypermedia, computer graphics and animation, artificial intelligence and virtual reality. It contains interviews with Ted Nelson (inventor of the word hypertext) and other visionaries.

To put the visionary nature of HyperLand into perspective for you, Mosaic, the first graphical Web browser, was launched in 1993 and could not yet handle images. HyperLand was broadcast 3 years earlier, in 1990.

Related Links

Vannevar Bush - As We May Think. Atlantic Monthly, July 1945.
Ted Nelson - Xanadu.
MIT Media Lab

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Date last amended: 2nd September 2002