'user', 'pass' => 'pass', 'type' => 'digest', 'cert' => array()); // please, refer to nusoap documentation $application['db_conn'][4]['db_namespace'] = 'All'; // will be used in the near future ;) //============session============================ $application['use_session'] = TRUE; $application['session_name'] = 'GTFWSessIDgtRisetBo'; $application['session_save_path'] = NULL; ///TODO: should not be here!!!, and pelase, support NULL value to fallback to PHP INI's session save path $application['session_save_handler'] = 'default'; $application['session_expire'] = 180; // in minutes $application['session_cookie_params']['lifetime'] = 60 * $application['session_expire']; // in seconds $application['session_cookie_params']['path'] = $application['basedir']; $application['session_cookie_params']['domain'] = $application['domain']; $application['session_cookie_params']['secure'] = FALSE; // needs secure connection? //============default page============================ $application['default_module'] = 'about'; $application['default_submodule'] = 'about'; $application['default_action'] = 'view'; $application['default_type'] = 'html'; //============security=========================== $application['enable_security'] = true; $application['default_user'] = 'nobody'; $application['enable_url_obfuscator'] = FALSE; $application['url_obfuscator_exception'] = array('soap'); // list of exeption request/response type $application['url_type'] = 'Long'; // type: Long or Short $application['login_method'] = 'default'; //============development============================ $application['debug_mode'] = TRUE; //=========== Single Sign On ======================== $application['system_id'] = 'com.gamatechno.gtfw'; $application['sso_group'] = 'com_gamatechno_academica'; //FIXME: what if this system is associated with more than one sso group //=========== Single Sign On Server ======================== $application['sso_ldap_connection'] = 3; // connection number available for ldap access, see db_conn above //============== syslog ============================= $application['syslog_category'] = array(); // what category permitted to be printed out, array() equals all category $application['syslog_enabled'] = TRUE; $application['syslog_io_engine'] = 'std'; //tcp, file, std $application['syslog_log_path'] = '/tmp/'; $application['syslog_tcp_host'] = 'localhost'; $application['syslog_tcp_port'] = 9777; //================ soapgateway ======================== $application['wsdl_use_cache'] = false; // use cached wsdl if available $application['wsdl_cache_path'] = '/tmp/'; // use cached wsdl if available $application['wsdl_cache_lifetime'] = 60 * 60 * 24 /* one day!*/; // invalidate wsdl cache every x seconds ?>